Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Meditation Video: Breath of Ten Meditation to Become Disease-Free

When we are experiencing anxiety, stress, or negative feelings we have often are disconnected from our emotional body, sense of purpose, and ultimately our essence. One easy way to assess and clear this is to see how connected we are to our breath. Is it shallow, deep? Are you breathing from all aspects of your body including your navel and heart? Does your breath give you a sense of spaciousness in your front, sides, and back of your rib cage?  Does your breath allow space for a still mind so intuition can come through?

This is an easily accessible meditation, especially for beginners, to help you feel more connected to your breath. It will help you feel energized yet relaxed by affecting your magnetic field.

If you want a written version of this meditation click HERE.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

New Meditation Video: Healing Depression by Clearing the Arc Line, 8/27/16

Each of the 10 bodies have a very specific role. When they are in alignment they help us to live to our highest potential, our destiny. The 6th body (Arc Line) is often symbolized in pictures of a halo around the head. You can see it in almost any famous painting of a saint, angel, or spiritual teacher.
Women have a second Arc Line that reaches from nipple to nipple of the chest. It is in these two regions where we store past relationships and karma. 

I wanted to focus on the particular importance of a strong and clear Arc Line to deflect symptoms of depression. It's our projection of our Arc Line that creates your reality. Hence we can either create 'heaven' or 'hell' on earth depending on the strength of our Arc Line (among many other things). It's the foundation of the radiant body. So when we connect with our own radiance (joy, happiness, light) we naturally project that out into the world. If it is clear then we repel negativity easily from either our thoughts or external environment.
I'm excited to talk more about the Arc Line and how to help with symptoms of depression in my upcoming 4 week series in September.

In the meantime, here's my latest video as I teach the Meditation for the Arc Line!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Upcoming Fall Class Series

Fall Free Week of Wellness
Class: Igniting Your Light
Saturday, September 3
Time: 5:00- 6:30pm
Cost: Free!
Instructor: Bir Kaur Khalsa

Contact Bir Kaur for more information

Class Description:
Depression and anxiety can occur when different aspects of your mind are imbalanced which limits your ability to access a state of neutrality and peace within the mind. Balancing your protective and creative aspects of your mind allows one to make decisions that are in alignment with your unique destiny and essence while giving a clearer sense of purpose,belonging, and intuition. Through a dynamic and specific set of postures, meditations, mantra, and breathing techniques, you will learn how to balance these different aspects of your mind. This powerful class will also help give you the powerful projection of elevating yourself and others. You will learn about the different types of depression according to Chinese Medicine, the importance of a daily practice (sadhana), and how to relieve excess worry or stress that causes anxiety. As a result you will learn to reconnect with your essence in harmony. No experience with Kundalini Yoga is necessary. 

4 Week Class Series
Essence in Harmony: Healing Depression and Anxiety
  Sept 17, Sept 24, Oct 1, Oct 8
Time: 5:00 - 6:30pm
Cost: $50 (HST included) for the 4 week series or $15 Drop In (HST included)
Instructor: Bir Kaur Khalsa

The Barn Co-operative Network 
121 Old highway 26, Meaford, ON N4L 1W7

(Between Thornbury and Meaford)

Class Description:
Depression and anxiety can occur when different aspects of your mind are imbalanced which limits your ability to access a state of neutrality and peace within the mind. Balancing your protective and creative aspects of your mind allows one to make decisions that are in alignment with your unique destiny and essence while giving a clearer sense of purpose,belonging, and intuition. Through a dynamic and specific set of postures, meditations, mantra, and breathing techniques, you will learn how to balance these different aspects of your mind. This powerful class will also help give you the powerful projection of elevating yourself and others. You will learn about the different types of depression according to Chinese Medicine, the importance of a daily practice (sadhana), and how to relieve excess worry or stress that causes anxiety. As a result you will learn to reconnect with your essence in harmony. No experience with Kundalini Yoga is necessary. 


Prices Below Have Added Handling Fee
Full Name
Email Address

For more information about other Kundalini Yoga Classes at the Barn Co-Op 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Cutting Through Depression

In September I'm teaching a 4 week series on healing depression and anxiety. I'm excited to share this series with you so you can learn how to reconnect with your emotional body and the infinity within you. This youtube video by Yogi Bhajan is a great resource that will cut through depression.
 It's name seems to come from a foreign planet or the next Star Wars movie. It's called "KUNDALINI KRIYA NM056 920528 T", but maybe it's just the name that showed up on the video camera that recorded it. Either way, it's a truly lovely and simple kriya. Yogi Bhajan also has a nice long lecture that I recommend listening to all the way through.  It's better to do it with a friend as Yogi Bhajan suggests you talk to someone towards the end of the kriya.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Param Karam Dharam Kriya

Sat Nam! Param Karam Dharam Kriya is a wonderful tool to help break blocks in you life and promote prosperity. I recommend doing it for at least 11 minutes to get in the flow of it. If you'd like more prosperity in your life you can play the Aap Sahaee Hoa mantra (Jai- Jagdeesh has a great version). I also like playing the mantra, Chattra Chakkra Vartee to invoke fearlessness. (My favorite version is by Chardi Kala Jatha). Remember to tune in with 'Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo' 3x before starting the kriya. This is a great kriya to do as a warm-up when teaching a Kundalini Yoga class.    Guru Singh explains the aspects of the kriya exquisitely in this video.