Friday, April 18, 2014

The Link Between Yoga and the Feldenkrais Method®

The past few years I have been learning various movement approaches through the Feldenkrais Method® and Spacial Dynamics®. These two aspects of healing through movement have greatly impacted my work as a physical therapist assistant. As I continue to teach others about utilizing these concepts, I am consistently learning to master how they can be incorporated in my daily life. With that, I am also starting to incorporate aspects of  Kundalini Yoga into sessions with clients. Undoubtedly Kundalini Yoga, the Feldenkrais Method®, and Spacial Dynamics® have a common thread in supporting the balancing and reorganization of the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems. I found an intriguing article through the newsletter, "Sense Ability", which explains the link between yoga and the Feldenkrais Method® in a way that is engaging to one of any type of yoga practice.
You can read it here:

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Let's Get Moving!

Warrior Spirit Yoga  
with Bir Kaur

Weekly Kundalini Yoga Classes 
as taught by Yogi Bhajan

Every Thursday 
7pm - 8:30pm

Class Location: Hawthorne Wellness Center
3942 SE Hawthorne Blvd
Portland, OR 97214
(studio located in back of building)

$12 drop in
$50 for a 5 class pass
$100 for a 10 class pass 
$1 discount if you bike/use public transit

Kundalini Yoga is one of the oldest forms of yoga. It is also called the “Yoga of Awareness” or “Yoga of Experience”. It’s a practical tool and made to be accessible to everyone from any lifestyle.
This sacred science was designed to encourage the raising of the Kundalini Energy, which resides at the base of the spine. The energy systems of the body are aligned in the process by balancing the glandular and nervous systems. This is completed through a series of specific postures, breath, sound (mantra), and meditation depending on the focus for each class. Some benefits of Kundalini Yoga can be experienced in as little as 3 minutes.

Strengthen the Nervous System
Balance the Glandular System
Strengthen the Navel Center
Improve your energy
Reduce Muscle Tension
of movement
Strengthen Posture 
Develop clearer communication
Reduce Stress
Improve Focus
Ignite Creativity
Appropriate for any fitness level

Kundalini Yoga offers exactly what you need, whether you are looking for a physically demanding or relaxing practice, improved concentration, improved creativity, a clearer sense of purpose and clarity in life, or a general sense of balance in life.
About the Teacher: Bir Kaur (Susan Trancik) enjoys helping others realize that the physical, emotional, and spiritual aspects of themselves are not separate but dependent on one another. She is licensed physical therapist assistant with over 15 years of experience in the physical therapy field. Her dedicated Kundalini Yoga practice and exploration of other somatic movement techniques inspires her to help others learn new ways to move, think, and feel with curiosity.