Friday, December 9, 2016

Relax and Expand this Holiday Season

Holidays are fast approaching. Many have a to-do list that seems to be getting longer. This doesn't include the stress that can pile up unexpectedly. For example, my husband and I moved into a new house rental last week. Yesterday our indoor only cat got out and was gone for over 6 hours in the cold. She's not used to the Canadian weather. My internal state of mind and body kept wanting to contract out of fear and anxiety wondering if I would see her again.

I kept getting a message from Yogi Bhajan (the master that brought Kundalini Yoga to the west). I heard relax and expand, relax and expand. Once I relaxed my being I was able to expand my consciousness from being contracted and fearful to being open and clear. When we can see the whole picture, much like the hawk, we are able to make clear decisions and project our thoughts and prayers consciously. Practical tools like Kundalini Yoga help us to relax and expand into this state of mind, even if we have to remind ourselves to do it over and over again throughout the day. This allows us to surrender our worries to the Universe so we can be more present. At the end of the day my husband opened the back door and there was our cat waiting for us.

To help you get through the holidays with more ease and grace I would like to share with you the Kriya to Relax and Release Fear. Sat Dharam Kaur has a great youtube video of her teaching this kriya. You can access it HERE.


Prayer is the power.
Even God, Goddesses, God's incarnations, and multitudes of humans have done prayer and meditation on the One Almighty God leaving a legacy of prayer for mankind to follow.

Now, when war is an impossible solution to conflict, let us work for peace and start by praying for peace of mind.

Peace to you, to your family, to your environment, and may Peace bring you prosperity.

Happy New Year and Best Wishes
Yogi Bhajan

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Feeling stuck? This quick meditation can help

We all have had that moment in our day(s) where everything is fine, then in a nanosecond suddenly everything seems to suddenly be not fine. An issue comes up, and we can sometimes get caught up in a reactive type state of mind. Maybe it's a long standing issue from the past that is bothering you? Try this quick meditation to let go of the past, allow your nervous system to respond effectively instead of react, ultimately bringing you into a more neutral state of mind. This video was made by my wonderful yoga therapy teacher, Guru Dharam Singh. Enjoy.

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Anti Depression and Brain Synchrony Meditation

Here's a wonderful and simple meditation to help get you out of depression and balance your mind!

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Meditation Video: Sunia Antar Kriya to Recover Your Emotional Balance

Sat Nam. Here is short video explaining how to relieve stress and quickly get you out of patterns of negative thinking. It's a great antidote for a stressful day at work, with kids, or feeling overwhelmed with life.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Meditation Video: Fight Brain Fatigue

Here's another meditation that is great to do no matter your experience level. It's another good meditation to help with anxiety and depression while healing your navel, spleen, liver, and lymphatic system.

At the very end of the meditation the student is supposed to hold his/her fists at the chest, navel and against the rib cage. I did a slightly different version when it comes to holding the arms against the rib cage. However, you can also do it as it states in the printed format HERE.
That's the funny thing about Kundalini Yoga. Sometimes different manuals have the kriya/meditation described ever so slightly different than others. Some have more pictures than others. Either way, as teachers, we do our best to deliver the teachings most effectively and correctly according to the written kriya.  I decided to share this video anyway, because overall it is quite good and you get the benefit either way. My apologies for this minor error.

Friday, September 2, 2016

Interview about Spirituality and Kundalini Yoga

I recently got asked to write about my experience as a Sikh for an amazing blog and online yoga clothing business called FaithHaus.Check it out HERE or read the interview below.

" Kundalini Yoga is the root of spiritual experience."
Do you have to be a Sikh to practice Kundalini yoga? No, however many practitioners choose this way of life.
By definition, kundalini yoga is a system of meditation directed toward the release of a primal energy or shakti, located at the base of the spine.
Sikhism is the 5th largest religion in the world. It's monotheistic- meaning One God. It was founded in the 15th century as an independent religion and it worships Guru Granth Sahib. The places of worship are called a gurdwara which means "doorway to God".  According to Simran Jeet Singh "Sikhism is rooted in oneness and love, Sikh theology encourages a life of spirituality and service".
Bir Kaur Khalsa's life as a Sikh and Kundalini Yoga teacher have deepened her spiritual experience. She has a great website called Warrior Spirit Yoga that shares her healings and teachings of Kundalini Yoga through videos and articles that is a must read for anyone who's been wondering if they should check it out. We got the opportunity to hear from Bir on what her faith means to her and it's a blessing to share this with our readers.

-What is your definition of faith?

For me, faith is the courage that resides within the soul that enables us to transform darkness into light with the help of our spiritual teacher. To me, faith in action is commitment. It's commitment to your internal values. It's commitment to the evolution of your soul acting from a place of fulfilling your life's purpose in this human form through your destiny (dharma). For me, commitment and courage can be expressed in the form of religion.

-How would you define spirituality?

Spirituality is the remembrance of your connection with Universal Consciousness and therefore your soul. Spirituality is being in total balance with all aspects of your being and therefore reflected in everything that surrounds you. Development of your spirituality is supported by community. This group consciousness can be more powerful than individual consciousness. A sense of community that can be provided through religion, when utilized properly, can be a wonderful tool to developing a stronger relationship to God. However, “religion” and “spirituality” are often seen as two separate things in our society when they can actually complement each other.

-Would you consider yourself spiritual or faithful? Or is there a difference?

Some people associate spirituality with a more individual/personal journey and faithful to have a religious tone. Unfortunately, I think spiritual extremists find no value in religion and religious extremists find only one value in their particular religion to achieve liberation of their soul.
The words that are the foundation of the Sikh faith are “Ik Ong Kar”. This means “One Universal Consciousness/God.” No matter what your faith is, it is interconnected by all faiths, because it leads to the same One Universal God. I feel that I am spiritually committed to my soul through a steady daily spiritual practice/Sikh Faith values. I also feel that through the power of the One God, there are an infinite amount of religions/faiths that, when utilized properly, can also achieve this same potential. Perhaps there will be an opportunity to redefine spirituality and religion as being one in the same in other religions. Bringing spirituality into my faith allows me to embody the God given right to be a free, happy, and (liberated) spirit. One example of this is having a direct and focused conversation with God through prayer (faithful) or feeling the totality of the cosmos/interconnection of all life within me when I listen to kirtan (Shabad Guru) during a Sikh service (spiritual).
A simple way to bring spirituality into faith is to ask yourself “Why am I doing this?”. A simple way to bring faith into spirituality is asking “How can I do this with more authenticity and commitment”. In reality we all have the capacity to be spiritual and simultaneously faithful.

-Do you have specific rituals that you do in relation to your faith (meditation, prayer, celebrations, etc)?

Guru Nanak (the first of the Ten Gurus in the Sikh faith) was the first to embody the teachings of “Ik Ong Kar” and was the first initiator of the Sikh lifestyle. He didn't appreciate the blind rituals that his Hindu family practiced at the time. People were just participating in rituals without knowing why. They lost the spirituality and meaning of these rituals. As a Sikh, rituals aren't practiced. However, there is a daily service that occurs in a Sikh place of worship called a Gurdwara. In the Gurdwara the community gathers for daily prayers, kirtan, reading from the Siri Guru Granth Sahib, and sharing in a meal of equality called Langar afterwards.
As a student and teacher of Kundalini Yoga, I have a 2 to 2.5 hour daily meditation and yoga practice that I am dedicated to. I get up between 4am-5am everyday to complete this practice along with reciting Japji Sahib. This helps me to connect with my soul when the chaos of the world is quiet, like others do from many other different faiths. You don't have to be Sikh to do Kundalini Yoga.

-Do you think it’s important for youth to have faith? Why?

I think it's really important for youth to have faith for the reasons listed above. Youth have the challenge and blessing of navigating in perhaps the most chaotic times this world has experienced. I feel that youth are our key to reigniting the spirituality that was intended to thrive in religion/faith. The youth have the opportunity through faith and courage to bring peace to the world and protect the resources of our earth by connecting with their own truth.

-Do you share your faith with others or keep it private?

As a Sikh I share my faith with others. I try not to share my faith so much in word but in action. I feel that through my actions others will know what a Sikh is. This includes being of service in any way possible. Sikhs are known for being of service through offering food to those in need, among many other things. I also share my faith by the way I look. I wear a turban all the time when I am in public so I often stand out in a crowd. There aren't many 30 something women out there wearing turbans. The sole purpose of this is to be recognizable if anyone needs help. Most people are curious when they see me and ask what my “hat” is all about.

-What’s your favorite thing about faith?

As a Sikh, I believe this spiritual relationship between myself and God is completely interconnected and merged. Therefore, God is not an entity or energy that resides outside of me. God is within me. So the Creator that resides within automatically makes me a co-creator. This leads to the concept of how we can choose to create heaven (or hell) on earth based on how clear and still our mind is. When our mind is still then we are more readily able to listen to what our soul wants us to do instead of what others want us to do. Faith is having the dedication to commit to this relationship through my spiritual practice so this can be possible. Being human is the greatest gift as we are the physical (being upright/vertical creatures) and the energetic connection between God and Earth.

Another thing I love is the Sikh Gurus teach me that I don't need a guru to experience Universal Consciousness/God, because it is all right here in this present moment. This is one of the reasons I fell in love with Sikh faith, because a true Sikh will encourage a Muslim to be the best Muslim they can be, a Christian to be the best Christian they can be, a Jew to be the best Jew they can be, and so on. Sikhs aren't concerned about spreading the Word masked by the intention of converting someone to Sikhism. It's quite the contrary. Sikhs are dedicated to being of service for others so others can have the opportunity to connect with their soul and therefore God in their own unique way.

-Do you buy gifts, items for your house or items that you wear that are related to faith or spirituality?

My husband and I usually have pictures up of a few of the Sikh Gurus that we are deeply connected with, particularly Guru Gobind Singh and Guru Ram Das. We also have a picture of our teacher who brought Kundalini Yoga to the west, Yogi Bhajan. I like having different incense, stones and gems nearby. I like to have Kundalini Yoga mantras playing in the background all the time to elevate the energy of the room.

-Do you have any funny stories related to faith?

I worked in home health physical therapy and often treated people that were 70+ years old. Many of my patients had no idea what Sikhism was and were curious to know about it. As a Sikh, one of the symbols I wear is a small knife (kirpan) in my turban. Depending on the laws of where I am at, I usually wear a large kirpan at my side. It's a symbol that I am ready and able to protect those in need no matter what their faith, social class, or race is. I got a lot of funny comments, but the best one was when an older man asked why I was wearing a tire gauge in my hat. He could only see the tip of my kirpan through my turban.

-Do you have any places that remind you of your faith or feel spiritual to you?

The pivotal spiritual place for Sikhs is The Golden Temple in Amritsar, India. It has four doors which are open at all times. This place represents being open to all people from all different faiths. My dream is to go there someday.

Being in nature always helps me connect with my soul more. I lived in Portland, Oregon for 5 years. It is perhaps one of the most magical and scenic places I have lived in. A few places that made me feel most connected was The Grotto and Latourell Falls.
 the Grotto Portland
THE GROTTO, Portland, Oregon
Latourell Falls
The Golden Temple Amritsar India
THE GOLDEN TEMPLE, Amritsar, India

-Did your faith influence you in business and/or what you are creating?

Yes, Sikhism has helped me be a more compassionate in my work as a healthcare practitioner. It has also influenced me to create my own business, Warrior Spirit Yoga with Bir Kaur, to develop as a healer and Kundalini Yoga teacher. You can visit for more information

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Meditation Video: Breath of Ten Meditation to Become Disease-Free

When we are experiencing anxiety, stress, or negative feelings we have often are disconnected from our emotional body, sense of purpose, and ultimately our essence. One easy way to assess and clear this is to see how connected we are to our breath. Is it shallow, deep? Are you breathing from all aspects of your body including your navel and heart? Does your breath give you a sense of spaciousness in your front, sides, and back of your rib cage?  Does your breath allow space for a still mind so intuition can come through?

This is an easily accessible meditation, especially for beginners, to help you feel more connected to your breath. It will help you feel energized yet relaxed by affecting your magnetic field.

If you want a written version of this meditation click HERE.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

New Meditation Video: Healing Depression by Clearing the Arc Line, 8/27/16

Each of the 10 bodies have a very specific role. When they are in alignment they help us to live to our highest potential, our destiny. The 6th body (Arc Line) is often symbolized in pictures of a halo around the head. You can see it in almost any famous painting of a saint, angel, or spiritual teacher.
Women have a second Arc Line that reaches from nipple to nipple of the chest. It is in these two regions where we store past relationships and karma. 

I wanted to focus on the particular importance of a strong and clear Arc Line to deflect symptoms of depression. It's our projection of our Arc Line that creates your reality. Hence we can either create 'heaven' or 'hell' on earth depending on the strength of our Arc Line (among many other things). It's the foundation of the radiant body. So when we connect with our own radiance (joy, happiness, light) we naturally project that out into the world. If it is clear then we repel negativity easily from either our thoughts or external environment.
I'm excited to talk more about the Arc Line and how to help with symptoms of depression in my upcoming 4 week series in September.

In the meantime, here's my latest video as I teach the Meditation for the Arc Line!

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Upcoming Fall Class Series

Fall Free Week of Wellness
Class: Igniting Your Light
Saturday, September 3
Time: 5:00- 6:30pm
Cost: Free!
Instructor: Bir Kaur Khalsa

Contact Bir Kaur for more information

Class Description:
Depression and anxiety can occur when different aspects of your mind are imbalanced which limits your ability to access a state of neutrality and peace within the mind. Balancing your protective and creative aspects of your mind allows one to make decisions that are in alignment with your unique destiny and essence while giving a clearer sense of purpose,belonging, and intuition. Through a dynamic and specific set of postures, meditations, mantra, and breathing techniques, you will learn how to balance these different aspects of your mind. This powerful class will also help give you the powerful projection of elevating yourself and others. You will learn about the different types of depression according to Chinese Medicine, the importance of a daily practice (sadhana), and how to relieve excess worry or stress that causes anxiety. As a result you will learn to reconnect with your essence in harmony. No experience with Kundalini Yoga is necessary. 

4 Week Class Series
Essence in Harmony: Healing Depression and Anxiety
  Sept 17, Sept 24, Oct 1, Oct 8
Time: 5:00 - 6:30pm
Cost: $50 (HST included) for the 4 week series or $15 Drop In (HST included)
Instructor: Bir Kaur Khalsa

The Barn Co-operative Network 
121 Old highway 26, Meaford, ON N4L 1W7

(Between Thornbury and Meaford)

Class Description:
Depression and anxiety can occur when different aspects of your mind are imbalanced which limits your ability to access a state of neutrality and peace within the mind. Balancing your protective and creative aspects of your mind allows one to make decisions that are in alignment with your unique destiny and essence while giving a clearer sense of purpose,belonging, and intuition. Through a dynamic and specific set of postures, meditations, mantra, and breathing techniques, you will learn how to balance these different aspects of your mind. This powerful class will also help give you the powerful projection of elevating yourself and others. You will learn about the different types of depression according to Chinese Medicine, the importance of a daily practice (sadhana), and how to relieve excess worry or stress that causes anxiety. As a result you will learn to reconnect with your essence in harmony. No experience with Kundalini Yoga is necessary. 


Prices Below Have Added Handling Fee
Full Name
Email Address

For more information about other Kundalini Yoga Classes at the Barn Co-Op 

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Cutting Through Depression

In September I'm teaching a 4 week series on healing depression and anxiety. I'm excited to share this series with you so you can learn how to reconnect with your emotional body and the infinity within you. This youtube video by Yogi Bhajan is a great resource that will cut through depression.
 It's name seems to come from a foreign planet or the next Star Wars movie. It's called "KUNDALINI KRIYA NM056 920528 T", but maybe it's just the name that showed up on the video camera that recorded it. Either way, it's a truly lovely and simple kriya. Yogi Bhajan also has a nice long lecture that I recommend listening to all the way through.  It's better to do it with a friend as Yogi Bhajan suggests you talk to someone towards the end of the kriya.

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Param Karam Dharam Kriya

Sat Nam! Param Karam Dharam Kriya is a wonderful tool to help break blocks in you life and promote prosperity. I recommend doing it for at least 11 minutes to get in the flow of it. If you'd like more prosperity in your life you can play the Aap Sahaee Hoa mantra (Jai- Jagdeesh has a great version). I also like playing the mantra, Chattra Chakkra Vartee to invoke fearlessness. (My favorite version is by Chardi Kala Jatha). Remember to tune in with 'Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo' 3x before starting the kriya. This is a great kriya to do as a warm-up when teaching a Kundalini Yoga class.    Guru Singh explains the aspects of the kriya exquisitely in this video.

Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Connect with your Breath and Prevent Yourself from Freaking Out!

Have you heard the term, "You are not your emotions/thoughts?" Well, it's true! Although your emotions can give valid information,  too many people attach themselves to a emotion which can lead to a perpetual mental feedback loop of thought. This leads to obsessive thinking and unnecessary worrying. One way of cutting the feedback loop is to connect to your breath. Without your breath you can't control your mind and therefore how you respond with your emotions. We are getting into the summer months where the weather can not only heat up, but also opportunities for our emotions to become fierce like a fire. You have the option to react or consciously communicate. Rule your breath then you can rule how you communicate. This meditation can help with that!

Meditation to Prevent Freaking Out
*(From the I am a Woman - Creative, Sacred, Invincible Manual)*

This meditation will alter your energy by changing your nostril breathing. You can't get out of your body, but you can change its energy. If you are thinking something neurotic and find out that you're breathing through your right nostril, start breathing through your left nostril instead. This will change your energy from agni (fire) to sitali (cool).
If you are depressed, in a disturbed mental state, start breathing from the right nostril. In 3 minutes you will be a different person. This ability to change nostrils in breathing should be taught to your children within their first 3 years. Exercising this ability can prevent nervous breakdowns. You may work up to 31 minutes.

  1. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine, and a light Neck Lock.
  2. Interlace the fingers with the right thumb on top.
  3. Interlace the hands at the center of the diaphragm line, touching the body.
  4. Eyes are closed.
  5. Concentrate on the breath at the tip of your nose.
  6. Notice from which nostril you are breathing. Within 3 minutes you should know.
  7. Then change it. If you are breathing primarily through your left nostril, consciously change to your right nostril.
  8. Be sure to keep your shoulders completely relaxed.
  9. Practice changing this breath back and forth for as long as you like.
Eye Focus Closed
Time: 3 minutes to 31 minutes

*This meditation retrieved from the Yogi Bhajan Library of Teachings on 6/1/2016.

Monday, February 29, 2016


To be courageous is to befriend fear like a lover.
This lover you lost and never let go of. 
Freedom is only granted when welcomed in.
Fear makes you look twice in a dark parking lot, shiver on a cold night, and cry yourself to sleep.
Fear is the mother of anger, depression, rage, and disappointment.
It is the glue that attaches the story to the dreamer.
Yet, it is here.

Welcome it with tenderness like the untamed wild creature that is.
It's passionate thirst for the unconscious mind cut with the sword of a warrior.

The true warrior saint is so firmly planted in the earth that she can feel the
roots of the trees through her callused feet.
She can feel the heat of the core rising up her legs
through her own belly.
Yet, she is fully connected with the wisdom of the stars, the serenity of the ethers, and vastness of the cosmos.

The warrior saint is completely aware of all four directions within her and outside of her.
She see's the enemies next move before it is even thought.
Her fuel for courage is confidence.

The intertwining of confidence and courage is rarely mastered.
Many teachers will talk, few will lead by example, fewer will give their head up to save another.

I dare you to choose the door leading to the dark and cold tunnel.
For your Light is enough to be a guide to the other end.
It always was.