Friday, September 25, 2015

#Being a Conscious Being in a World of Technology

Photo from:
Today I was caught up in my usual daily routine of scanning through my facebook news feed.  After witnessing a troubling series of events on facebook, followed by a very full day of simultaneous work and self contemplation, I came to the following conclusion......

I usually write and live a lifestyle on how to be a spiritual warrior in daily life. This means living in full authenticity in every moment. It's a tall order. I strongly feel that no matter how much yoga/meditation/self-reflection/prayer we do on a daily basis, it really is of no use if we cannot incorporate it into our daily lives. Controversial topics discussed on social media like Facebook tug on strings that have the potential to activate our emotions. Events in our internet life and physical life shed light for us to show the best and worst versions of ourselves. Then all of a sudden it is personal. When it is personal then we create beliefs, strong beliefs. Beliefs aren't bad necessarily, they just are. However, when we create beliefs we also create division. When we create division we then birth duality within ourselves and others. The mission of many people on most spiritual paths is to master the world of duality. Sometimes we notice these patterns right away and sometimes we fail miserably. I am not excluded from this cycle whatsoever. My question is, how can we stay true to our identity when we so often have these dual identities through social media? I think our personal lives are so intertwined with our lives of the internet, it's becoming more difficult to decipher when one ends and the other begins.

A Time When Life Was Simple

I recently came across a two part series TED radio (via about this same subject matter. The episodes are called, “Screen Time Part 1” and “Screen Time Part 2”. After listening to the two hours of content I was quite inspired about what technology has done for us globally and individually. I was excited to think that I am part of a generation that knows what life was like growing up in an age before cell phones and internet. The Oregon Trail, Mario Bros., and Duck Hunt on blurry screens was the closest thing to technology/entertainment. Otherwise my screen time was limited to watching the series of family friendly tv shows called TGIF on the ABC network or Saturday morning cartoons. As an adult, it's difficult to separate myself from technology and I'm ashamed of it. Generations after me will not be able to conceptualize a life without unlimited access to ipads, cell phones, and internet. After receiving this epiphany, I was also terrified. In one of the episodes a topic on managing our dual lives (of internet and physical form) were presented. Then I realized the power of word is incredible, yet we continuously misuse it and take it for granted, even for those living a spiritual life. The internet is a wonderful tool of expression, yet it gives us a power to express ourselves in a way we normally wouldn't face to face. We rant and complain, yet share our deepest and most vulnerable experiences of growth through social media like Facebook. Social media in many ways helps us feel accepted and loved in a lonely world. It gives us the connection we desire when we feel disconnected from ourselves or the ones we care for whether we know them intimately or not. If we don't like what someone says then we simply change our privacy settings.

Would Your Grandmother Want to See Your Next Post?
Not so long ago I was at a crossroads of deciding how I was going to fully merge my spiritual life with my work life via the world of technology. Would I be ok knowing that present and future employers would most likely google my name and find this information easily? Well they did, but I was also completely open and honest about my passions for yoga and healing beforehand. As a result my employers have embraced my gifts and I am actively merging those worlds. This only could happen if I was in alignment with my identity. The same would happen if they saw my facebook posts. The question is would you want your boss, neighbor, grandmother, or child to see all the posts you put on facebook? How often do we unconsciously 'like' or share a post without seeing the full content? I think of how so many of our young ones/teens have unlimited access to facebook without supervision. I hate to see a child/teen of any age witness more violence in the world through pictures of rape, war, slavery, and any other form of inhumanity. It's not a matter of protecting our children or even ourselves from this negative energy, because we see it all the time! If you are sensitive, you probably can feel it as well without even needing to see these images. I'm not saying social media should only be used to post pictures of kittens, unicorns, fairies, and lolly-pops. The darkness of the world needs to be shared, but consciously. However, it needs to be done so with the strength of warrior. Encompassed in that strength is the grace of our word, sensitivity to others, and action without reactivity. It is a fact that not everyone will like what we share on the internet. It is our choice in how we respond, though. As a result we find ourselves in the difficult situation of choosing to tip-toe around what is ok to post on facebook or throwing caution to the wind. On another note, does it even matter?

 Finding a Better Way to Shed Light on the Darkness
Pope Francis even declared to Congress the other day the dire need for us to respect our differences and live in unity. So why can't we start on Facebook? Perhaps we can bless others, no matter how hurtful others are in their response to our rightful expression of our opinions. Often the lack of communication that occurs between one another is a lack of understanding. We get so caught up in proving that our belief is the right one, we fail to recognize the consequences of how it may hurt others. After all, it is just a facebook post. In the end this is a human matter! Social media is becoming an intertwined blessing and curse. Think of the most intimate moment of your life and ask yourself if you would want it to be shared with hundreds/thousands of others? Of course it is everyone's right to choose that. What if someone had PTSD and saw your post? What if that person is homebound with little personal/physical social support and that trauma got re-activated by seeing your post? Would you actually go out on the streets and support/protest the cause? Are you posting to feel more accepted/heard or can you call/physically meet with a friend instead? These are mere examples of how internet can create connection and separation if we are not more conscious of our dual internet lives. It's incredibly important to educate the public on the reality of life and controversial subjects. When has it gone too far and how can we as a collective whole be more aware of it, though? Before we submit our next facebook picture or post, let us ask ourselves what is the true intention for the post in the first place.
Sat Nam.

Monday, September 14, 2015

Workshop in Portland October 25th: Igniting the Spiritual Warrior Within

When: Sunday, October 25th, 2015

Time: 1:30pm-3:30pm

Location: Full Lotus Yoga
827 NE Alberta Ave
Portland, OR
Cost: $20 pre-registered, $25 at the door

**Limited Space Available (16 spots).**

Pre-register by emailing:

Have you been afraid to take the next step in committing to yourself? Whether it be committing to deepening your daily practice, letting go of the past, taking the next step in a relationship, or manifesting your dreams into reality, one must search within and ignite his/her own spiritual warrior.

Igniting the archetypal spiritual warrior within requires one to find a balance of strength, courage, commitment, and grace through the most difficult situations all with a smile. The spiritual warrior manifests prosperity through gratitude. The fulfillment of the spiritual warrior rests in assisting in the victory of others. This cultivates the beginning of a deep inner knowing that the spiritual warrior's will is in complete alignment with the will of God.

Through the tools of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, you will be able to directly experience these qualities within yourself in this workshop. The workshop will have a special meditative and physical focus on the third chakra while balancing the entire endocrine and nervous systems. No experience is necessary and all body types are welcome. This workshop will challenge the intermediate student but is also very appropriate for beginners. Come with an open heart and a will to drop that which is preventing you from igniting your own spiritual warrior.

Thursday, August 13, 2015

Upcoming Workshop In Salem, OR and Portland Community Events

I'm gearing up for the workshop I will be teaching in Salem, Oregon this Sunday! A friend recently sent me this video of what a spiritual warrior is. This video resonates the essence of a spiritual warrior. It's a perfect representation of what you can reveal about your own spiritual warrior within at the workshop. 
(Video retrieved from on 8/13/15)
Upcoming Kundalini Workshop: Igniting the Spiritual Warrior Within

When: August 16, 2015
Time: 1pm-3pm
Location: IYouMeWeUs - South
4340 Commercial St. SE,
Salem, OR 97302

Cost: $20 pre-registered, $25 at the door
Register via the website here: IYouMeWeUs

Have you been afraid to take the next step in committing to yourself? Whether it be committing to deepening your daily practice, letting go of the past, taking the next step in a relationship, or manifesting your dreams into reality one must search within and ignite his/her own spiritual warrior.

Igniting the archetypal spiritual warrior within requires one to find a balance of strength, courage, commitment, and grace through the most difficult situations all with a smile. The spiritual warrior manifests prosperity through gratitude. The fulfillment of the spiritual warrior rests in assisting in the victory of others. This cultivates the beginning of a deep inner knowing that the spiritual warrior's will is in complete alignment with the will of God.

Through the tools of Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, you will be able to directly experience these qualities within yourself. The class will have a special meditative and physical focus on the third chakra while balancing the entire endocrine and nervous systems. No experience is necessary and all body types are welcome. Come with an open heart and a willing to drop that which is preventing you from igniting your own spiritual warrior.

Zero Balancing Sessions offered after the workshop:

Developed by Fritz Smith, MD in the early 1970s, Zero Balancing is a powerful body-mind therapy that uses skilled touch to address the relationship between energy and structures of the body.

Zero Balancing can help relieve body aches and pain, release restrictions in movement, and provide lasting relief from emotional distress to improve overall quality of life.

Zero Balancing can also be helpful with specific goals such as relief from back pain, improving concentration or sleep, releasing unwanted stress, eliminating old behavior patterns, or boosting well-being. Zero Balancing works in conjunction with medical therapy and is not a substitute for it. A typical session is an hour long, laying on your back on a massage table, fully clothed. Those with physical limitations can be accommodated.

Two Sessions will be offered at 3:45pm and 5:00pm.
Please email to register
Visit for more information about Zero Balancing
Kundalini Yoga Portland Community Events

Community Meditation for Yogi Bhajan's Birthday (August 15-25)Every year we celebrate Yogi Bhajan’s birthday. This is a very cozy occasion when we chant together in gratitude for all the priceless teachings he shared with us.

For eleven days (August 15-25) chant Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 31 minutes each day. Call on Guru Ram Das using Yogi Bhajan’s personal mantra.

Join with others at 7pm or chant on your own. We are looking for hosts !! Please contact KYPDX  if you are willing and able to open your space and welcome yogis. Plan on having guests for about an hour. Locations of the evening chant will be posted on the calendar. Some hosts provide yogi tea or a small snack but this is not required.

Simultaneous Worldwide Guru Ram Das Chant: August 26
On Yogi Ji's birthday at exactly 3:00 a.m. Pacific Daylight Savings Time our worldwide community simultaneously chants Guru Guru Wahe Guru, Guru Ram Das Guru for 11 minutes. Then we chant Long Ek Ong Kars for 2.5 hours. Held at Shakti House. Doors open at 2:45am.

Sunday, July 5, 2015

Receiving Amrit as the Spiritual Warrior : Amrit Sanchar/Sikh Baptism Ceremony

My Beloved,
I stand transparent before you. All my holiness, ugliness, worthiness, selfishness is set upon the altar. The energy of your word crawls up my body from my feet like a serpent. In an instant I recognize the immeasurable totality of your strength. My hands begin to shake. The ego has lost once again. Yet it stirs and flounders helplessly in one last attempt to survive and protect it's existence. I stay steady as your words continue to seduce me while they are echoed by each of the five guardians. My eyes are fixated upon the steal sword as it methodically cuts through water. However, I feel like I am drowning in the thick tar of darkness. I have waited lifetimes for this sweet agony. Then I remember, you are here waiting for me in this abyss. I was never lost. I was never needing to be saved because you were always there waiting. You are so intertwined with me I forgot to see the beauty. Your will is so infused within me I forgot that my will is also yours. 

I continue to watch the blade cut me up into pieces. I witness my death like a movie being played out before me. I am the witness to taking my last breath and my first breath at the same time. I have no choice but to surrender to you. If I could only close my eyes in these final moments and complete this earthly journey. I am so close to you. Yet you smile and tell me to stay a little longer. There is work to be done. Somewhere in the trance the water transformed into your nectar like Christ turning water into wine. It happened so fast I was unaware. Your nectar was placed in my open palms. How forever grateful I am for you being so patient with me to pry these prideful hands open. I taste your sublime sweetness even before it reaches my lips. In this moment you transform into all human senses as one. In this moment I become wed with my Beloved, a romance that started long ago. You are the Lover of lovers.

 Then the battle cry is released from the depths of my belly. Fear is transcended through the sound current of my voice as I call to you, “Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh." Lifetimes of wars I've fought are revealed in an instant. An unknown strength is born and the warrior emerges into the light as my eyes continue to be fixated on you. My voice is so loud, fierce, and powerful it startles me. Meanwhile I can feel the support of my fellow warrior saints in the room with each victorious cry. 

 The next phase begins as each of the five forcefully throw a handful of your nectar into my opened eyes. If anything in my being was not awakened from the dream it is now. I feel the full force of the Miracle take place. The instant you hit my eyes it stuck there for what seemed forever, as if you were making sure I was paying attention. Then each drop of water cascades down my eyes and I feel the curtain of illusion drop. The dream is literally being swept away while I am simultaneously given new sight. In that point of timelessness I stared at you and there was nothing but you and I merged into one. I was both the Creator and the creation. I was the Forgiver and the forgiven. There was no right, wrong, blame, shame, guilt- the only thing that remained in this empty space was the purest form of joy. It is the joy that I felt right before the time of separation from you that never truly occurred. With this joy came an even more powerful battle cry of compassion, victory, liberation, peace, freedom of not just myself but for all. It was the battle cry for Love.

 Finally, the Amrit was placed on my crown. I could feel each droplet take it's time as it seeped slowly through my coiled hair. Each drop meticulously took it's place through every hair follicle until it reached the bones of my skull and then dispersed throughout every cell of my body. I can only smile.

 Once it has been completed and the final commands have been given, I am presented to the Sangat. Without words I lock eyes with them not as strangers or friends, but as family. The longing to belong is relinquished. After this re-birthing you do not waste time to send me out into the world to shine amidst adversity. At once I am tested to utilize this gift as an opportunity of expression of your love. For how can we truly appreciate light without the companion of it's shadow. 

 From here I commit every breath as a meditation, every moment as an opportunity to see grace in graceless moments, security in the unstable, and strength in the weakness. For you are in all. None can exist without the other. 
 May I set aside my worries, insecurities, and fears only to place them in your care. No worry is too big or small for they are the same in your eyes.

 May my seva be not limited to the physical, but more so a state of being embodied through presence and with ease.

 May I embrace the darkness more fully so I can be grounded into the Light.

 May I trust you. May I trust myself. May I be given the discernment to know what to trust. 

 May I be practical and realistic rather than dogmatic. 

May I embody the gifts of my soul.

 May I be flexible yet steady and strong as steal. 

 May I live with simplicity and yet with prosperity. 

May I laugh often. 

 May I embrace the perfection of my imperfections. 

 May I be courage. 

 Lastly, If I am to stumble may I be kind to myself and simply turn my gaze back to you.
 Wahe Guru Ji Ka Khalsa Wahe Guru Ji Ki Fateh

If you would like to learn more about receiving Amrit please click here: 
Sikh Dharma International

Monday, April 27, 2015

1000 Day Meditation for the Negative Mind: Aspect 2 (Manager)

This is my first 1000 day meditation. I have completed 529 days so far. This meditation is found in "The Mind: It's Projections and Multiple Facets" written by Yogi Bhajan (p.160). There are three functional minds: Positive, Negative, Neutral with each of these minds  having 3 aspects that correlate with them. Then there are 3 controlling projections within each of those aspects that act with each functional mind making a total of 81 facets of the mind. This particular meditation works on the  Aspect 2 * Manager. So you may ask how I chose this one particular aspect?  Well, it was by pure intuition. I was turning through the book and saw the meditation and caught my eye. It had all the qualities that I really wanted to work on. I found out after I started that two experienced yogis of my Kundalini family were doing the same meditation. I had no idea the depth that this meditation offered, So I kept on going, even after they completed their 1000 days. This meditation has been incredibly useful in helping me to find a better sense of identity  and  understanding of the following qualities

 1) Managing time: This meditation is slowly but surely allowing me to manage my time better. This has been very helpful in all aspects from managing my time at work, to managing time with friends vs taking time for myself. For me, this meditation starts with managing my time with routine routine routine. When I have routine everything fits right into place. I've even explored different times on when I wake up, do sadhana, etc. However, it's now starting to become so apparent if I don't have my routine then I can't have the freedom and spaciousness to accept other things that pop up in my life. I feel less overwhelmed with life in general, and therefore I am able to do more at once.
 I have a job where I am constantly on the go. I drive at least 50 miles/day going from one patient's home to another. Yet now I don't get bent of shape when I feel like I am running "late", because I am never really late since I adjust my schedule accordingly. I stop when I need to rest and take a 11 min nap in my car, I eat when I need to eat. I say 'no' when I need to and 'yes' when I can. Most often my day ends differently then I scheduled it out to be (the life of a home health PTA), but I try not to get bent out of shape about it. When I feel like I'm on the edge...I breathe..and chant..a lot. Yogi Bhajan states that in this meditation when, "Balanced and fully developed, you can reduce conflicts, keep towards the main tasks and mission you took on, and protect your own interests.....redirecting impulses in order to reach what is more important to you."

2) Boundaries: This meditation helps me to deal with being insecure about myself and others. It helps me to set healthy boundaries with friends, community members, coworkers without being so rigid as I once was. I'm more willing for them to be them and me to be me. Yogi Bhajan states, "Too strong and you act rigid in a desperate search for the rules to make order out of everything....To Weak, you can feel overwhelmed, lose track of the rules, feel the world ignores your priorities, and you become very self critical and sad." Yogi Bhajan also states to compensate one might think too much or shift to please others. I still definitely think a lot, but perhaps I am more aware of it before I go down into the rabbit hole of darkness or overwhelmed feelings. This gives me choice to choose how I can think now. Do I really want to obsess with how that presentation or yoga class was imperfect? Do I want to obsess with how I took longer than I anticipated with that patient or focus on the fact that patient felt heard and received healing?
When I was in a romantic relationship I would often put my own needs/desires aside so I could be with the other person and care for him. When I did that I not only fell behind on important tasks/long term projects, but I also neglected committing to my own hobbies like archery/swimming/yoga. Now I know that I am more capable to be in a relationship and also be willing to put my needs first without guilt, even if that means less time with the person. This relates to all relationships I encounter.

3) Identity: This is the theme for me in this last year or so...who am I? We have roles that we play day in/day out in order to make sense of the world. This meditation has given me the opportunity to question which roles I am willing to continue to play and how I can live more purposefully/authentically to fulfill my destiny. This meditation is helping me develop a better sense of who I am.

As always, this is an ongoing process..trusting the processing..and growing every day with this process of learning.
So here are the instructions...

Part 1 (3 to 11 min) **I do this for 11 min**
Right hand over left, palms face down at heart level. thumb tips touch and point toward chest. Chant "Har" at a steady pace. With each Har pull the navel point and lift the chest up/forward. Then release the navel and allow the lower spine to rock back slightly.
I do this at a slightly slower "tantric har" pace. Sometimes I pick up the pace if the energy is lagging.

Part 2 (11 to 31 min) **I do this for 20 min**
Hands in prayer pose, inhale chop hands while chanting Har 12x to the left, 12 x to the center, 12 x to the right, 12 x to the center on one breath. Inhale again and repeat.
You will have to chant at a rapid pace in order to do this cycle in one breath.

To end inhale and continue with the chopping motion for one more full cycle silently (12 left, 12 center, 12 right, 12 center) while pressing the back molars together. Exhale and relax.
***For some reason I didn't include this end sequence in the video even though I do it every day. I have no idea why this happened. So just keep in mind the ending** 

Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Announcing a New Class at Carioca Bowls!

I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to offer more Kundalini Yoga to the Portland community. I will be teaching a new class at Carioca Bowls (near 8th and Alberta). Start your weekend off right with some yoga and plenty of time to enjoy the rest of your day.  This space is very sweet and rich in history.  All yoga offerings are by donation.

8:30am- 10:00am
Carioca Bowls
827 NE Alberta Street
Portland, OR 97211 
(entrance located on side of building)
Pricing:  By Donation
see for more information

Monday, February 9, 2015

Importance of Self Care

I thought I'd share this video I took about a week ago when it was sunny and beautiful. It's now been raining for 3 days straight but I'm still shining on the inside.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

New Video Blog! Why and How to Wear a Turban

Well this is it! I've come to a new place of exploring my voice.
 I'm officially announcing my first video blog!