This poem or string of words, has been percolating for some time. It was inspired by a class I recently took with Gurmukh Kaur, yoga therapy training in Los Angeles, recent life events, and wisdom I received from wise counsel. I also thought this was a good to share during this very interesting time in full moon and Mercury in retrograde.
Reconsider what is to come next
Dangling in this moment of simultaneous
purgatory, confusion, and perfection.
Death and rebirth are the same.
The contentment in knowing the prayer
has been sent and will be answered on it's own accord.
The pause that renders the audacity to
receive gifts once thought not deserved.
The choice to act courageously towards
a goal not yet known.
Putting aside the urgency so that we
may listen for the silence through the influence of gratitude.
Look how far we have come to be
standing in this here and now.
To wait patiently in the pause,
the uncomfortable and unfortunate
feelings of the unknown.
Seduction of darkness whispers for me
to go deeper.
All must be balanced in the
accumulation and the letting go.
This natural cycle is merely doing what
it does best to keep all in harmony.
So why do we fight it relentlessly and
sigh with disdain when it comes near?
Fear of being alone, of not having
this, that, who, what in our life.
Surely it will all come back ten fold,
often in a different mold than projected.
The mystery of prosperity hidden in the
In the end a bigger hole to be filled
by that which already resides within.
To see beyond the "you" and "I."
The merge into “we” dares not
happen on the human's watch.
Only these brave souls are courageous
enough to explore this pause,
the transformation from “we” to
The pause
the test
the block
the ultimate fork in the road.
How silly we are to be afraid of coming
to these crossroads.
When this is the opportunity to
eliminate polarity of self.
To find out what this experience is
To stop hiding from the Truth.
Afraid of seeing something we may not
Taking off the rose colored glasses.
For who will be judge but you.
Therefore nothing can be the wrong
and all is victorious.
The universe conspiring in our favor.
Let us challenge the elimination of the
“you” and “I”.
The weapon of choice is self love
which cannot help but manifest and
multiply in itself
only to be radiated in reflection of
If we are to be exhausted from this
may we be thrown gracefully into the
field of zero plus one.
May the polarities be neutralized.
May we have the courage to embrace the
ultimate commitment to ourselves.
So all that is left is the place
between the inhale and the exhale.