I'm grateful to share this video from the most recent 40 Day "Take out the Garbage Series" at Lotus Yoga Centre. Recorded on Jan 31, 2018. It was held on the full moon. Every time I teach is truly a gift. I felt that teaching on this day in particular had special meaning considering all the fluctuations going on in the world. The blessing at the end of class felt like it came directly from the Divine.
The Kriya is an old gem taught by Yogi Bhajan. It's a vigorous kriya for sure. Just do your best. It is so old the kriya was just called, "Kundalini Yoga". This kriya was received from the Beads of Truth Publication, No 33 &34. To purchase other classes from this challenge with various teachers (including my videos) please visit www.lotusyogacentre.com.