Relax, Renew, Be You:
Holiday Stress Reduction Workshop
Date : Sunday, December 10 Time: 1:30 – 4:00 pm
Location: Lotus Yoga Centre: 100 Harbord Street, Toronto
‘Tis the season to be more stressed…or not? In this stress reduction workshop, you will learn valuable and practical tools on how to decrease your stress long after the holiday season is gone. Come prepared to experience engaging Kundalini Yoga kriyas, meditations and pranayamas.
Kundalini Yoga reduces stress by strengthening your parasympathetic nervous system, the part of your nervous system that allows you to relax and stay calm despite challenges you face in the moment. It also balances all of the energy systems (chakras) and endocrine system so all parts of you are working in harmony.
Shamanic drumming and gong sound healing is included. Give yourself the gift of self-experience and a moment to pause this holiday season. Intermediate and enthusiastic beginning students welcomed! No previous experience with Kundalini Yoga is necessary.
Register at the Lotus Yoga Centre website
$35 + HST Early Bird Price by Dec 5th
$40 + HST Regular Price$25 + HST for Members