This lover you lost and never let go
Freedom is only granted when welcomed
Fear makes you look twice in a dark
parking lot, shiver on a cold night, and cry yourself to sleep.
Fear is the mother of anger,
depression, rage, and disappointment.
It is the glue that attaches the story
to the dreamer.
Yet, it is here.
Welcome it with tenderness like the
untamed wild creature that is.
It's passionate thirst for the
unconscious mind cut with the sword of a warrior.
The true warrior saint is so firmly
planted in the earth that she can feel the
roots of the trees through her callused
She can feel the heat of the core
rising up her legs
through her own belly.
Yet, she is fully connected with the
wisdom of the stars, the serenity of the ethers, and vastness of the
The warrior saint is completely aware
of all four directions within her and outside of her.
She see's the enemies next move before
it is even thought.
Her fuel for courage is confidence.
The intertwining of confidence and
courage is rarely mastered.
Many teachers will talk, few will lead
by example, fewer will give their head up to save another.
I dare you to choose the door leading
to the dark and cold tunnel.
For your Light is enough to be a guide
to the other end.
It always was.